Educate All Students, Support Public Education

August 27, 2014

Response to MJS Article on Henry Tyson and St. Marcus Lutheran School

Filed under: St. Marcus — millerlf @ 1:31 pm

On August 26 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an article on Henry Tyson, the superintendent of St. Marcus Lutheran School. ( I was interviewed by the author and quoted in the article.

In the article Tyson is quoted as being “shocked” for becoming the “nemesis of public education.” Following I would like to explain why he has become so controversial. The following were my statements to the author on this issue.

I was asked by the writer, why has Henry Tyson and St. Marcus Lutheran School come under such heavy criticism from the pro-public school advocates?

Henry Tyson is not forthright about student achievement. He claims high-performance, yet the data shows different. In all of these comparisons to MPS, he is comparing one school, St. Marcus, to 116 MPS K8 and middle schools. MPS can show a number of schools that have higher performance than St. Marcus.
But even in comparing all 116 schools to St. Marcus there is data that shows higher results for MPS, on the average, than St. Marcus.
(The Department of Public Education generated report on St. Marcus can be seen at: )

The first graph on the St. Marcus report card compares MPS in blue to St Marcus voucher students in red to all St Marcus students in yellow. The MPS bar says 15% reading proficiency. This should actually say 15.5%. But it should also say that this number is for all MPS students, in over 160 schools, including high school.
If you compare MPS K8 grades to the K8 grades offered by St. Marcus, you get a different picture. The 116 K8 schools in MPS have a 16.8% proficiency rate average, compared to St. Marcus’ is 19%.
The second graph on their report card, referred to as “Value – Added ”, depicts significant gains in reading for students who stay enrolled at St. Marcus. They go on to say that the student rate of return for St. Marcus is 91%.
This does not add up. This should mean, as St. Marcus students move to eighth grade, the schools proficiency levels should increase. But in fact the eighth grade proficiency level falls to 15%, four percentage points below the school’s average, representing a decline in attainment of proficiency.
17% of MPS eighth-graders test at proficiency. This means that by the Fall of eighth grade, MPS eighth-graders, on the average for 116 schools, are outperforming St. Marcus eighth graders.

Special education:
According to Tyson St Marcus has 730 students and 60 of them are special education students, which is 8.2%. How can they claim that they are open to all students when MPS enrolls 20% special education students?

The leadership at St. Marcus turned their attempt to gain control of the Malcolm X building into a circus. They marched young children from their school, during the school day, to the Malcolm X site praying and even having students pound on the doors, shouting “let us in, let us in.”
Henry Tyson spoke before the MPS school board quoting Malcolm X. I asked a teacher at St. Marcus if the teachings of Malcolm X are presented to students. He chuckled and stated, “not that I’m aware of.”

Regressive teaching:
On his blog, Henry Tyson states that St Marcus Lutheran School “… follows the teachings of the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Evangelical Luther Synod (WELS).”
If you go to their official monthly publication, Forward in Christ, you can witness their teachings, unrestrained and unapologetic, at:

On “the Menace of Islam” “The greatest menace of Islam is the deadly threat that it poses to the eternal life of every one of its adherents.”

On Jews Going to Heaven “If your question is about unbelieving Jews (or unbelievers from any other ethnic group) or followers of Judaism who have rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Savior of mankind, then we must sadly answer that they did not and do not go to heaven.”

On Suicide “Suicide is murder; ‘and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him’(John 3:15).
On Marriage: Joining a Christian and a Non-Christian “Experience demonstrates that all too many of these marriages, almost predictably, become heartaches followed by divorce.”

On Equality of Women “In order to avoid exercising leadership over men contrary to “the order of creation,” WELS women do not vote in church meetings.”

On the Catholic Pope “We identify the Antichrist as the Papacy.”

On Evolution “It appears that American citizens don’t have the privilege of stating that the evolutionary explanation of the origin of this universe, the earth, and man is not only questionable, but also unscientific, and irrational, and just plain wrong.” The earth is only 6000 years old and “…was created with the appearance of age. On the first day everything looked older than it was.”

On Homosexuality “Scripture declares that homosexuality is a sin, which is contrary to God’s intention in creating man and woman. Sinful resistance to the revealed will of God is a factor in this sin.”

On Civil Rights “Anything goes. When the civil-rights bills were passed in the mid ’60s, their principal sponsor, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, promised in one melodramatic session that he would “physically eat” the bill he was promoting if ever anyone attempted to use his bill in order to prefer a member of one race at the expense of a member of another race. Senator Humphrey died from other causes than the food poisoning to which he’d have been subjected after the Supreme Court OK’d affirmative action.
A fortnight ago, we had the Civil Rights Restoration Act, which now extends to the federal government the right to inquire into the racial or sexual composition of a school’s basketball team if its medical school is receiving federal subsidies. And last week, Georgetown University, the oldest Jesuit College in America, capitulated on the lawsuit demanding that it make room within Georgetown for gay and lesbian student federations. Somebody, somewhere, somehow, has got to stop the civil-rights thing. It is making a joke out of one after another of our Bill of Rights.” (These comments are a reprint from Forward In Christ by William F. Buckley Jr.)

On Economic Inequality “It is egregiously impossible if you mean that the state can and should guarantee equality of education, income, or wealth. The only way that there could be equality of wealth is if the state seized all private assets and redistributed them. The only way there could be equality of income is if the state seized control of all businesses and arbitrarily set all salary levels the same, determined by some central committee. Unless you are pining to live under Stalinistic Communism, you wouldn’t favor that approach, and so I conclude that you are prepared to live with inequality of income and wealth.
But people can still envy, of course. The last presidential election season featured quite a bit of attention on Mitt Romney’s personal wealth, and that campaign was quickly followed by the “Occupy” and “99%” mini-movements that sought to arouse envy and hostility from the have-lesses against the have-mores. My personal prediction is that you ain’t seen nothing yet. The coming political season will bring back plenty of chatter about income and wealth inequality in the U.S.
Those efforts will be led by people who have given up on the belief that you can better your life by hard work, discipline, self-control, deferred gratification, and saving. They believe that everyone with wealth either stole it or cheated people to get it.” (From Pastor’s Blog, St. Marcus Pastor Mark Jeske.)

New Civil Rights Movement:
Some people claim that the voucher movement is part of the new civil rights movement. I’ve noticed that St. Marcus teaches about the southern civil rights movement, including taking students on trips to southern historical sites.
I approached friends who were activists in Milwaukee during the 1970s open housing marches, a focus of civil rights activism at that time. I asked them if the ministers or the churches belonging to the Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WELS) were engaged in any way in supporting that effort. The response from everyone was that they were nowhere to be found.

Maybe in their hearts, they were in support. But the true test is activism.

I must also question the fact that they are nowhere to be found in the fight to stop attacks on voting rights, economic inequality, healthcare or gay rights. While they are silent on the attacks on the poor and on democratic rights, they do not hesitate to run to the Tea-Party Republicans to lobby against MPS.

They are silent on the devastating funding cuts the Republicans have made to public education. At the same time they have lobbied for more funding for vouchers.

June 12, 2014

St Marcus’ Numbers Don’t Add Up

Filed under: St. Marcus,Vouchers — millerlf @ 9:05 pm

Once again, last night, St Marcus Lutheran School put on a show for all to see. Alderperson Russell Stamper II held a hearing on the proposal by St Marcus to buy the Lee Elementary school site.

St Marcus Lutheran School Superintendent, Henry Tyson, once again gave his slide show. Some of the slides can be seen on the St Marcus report card website at: (The report card is not a product of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction but something St Marcus created.)

Reading Scores
The first graph on the report card compares MPS in blue to St Marcus voucher students in red to all St Marcus students in yellow. The MPS bar says 15% reading proficiency. This should actually say 15.5%. But it should also say that this number is for all MPS students, in over 160 schools, including high school.

If you compare MPS K8 grades to the K8 grades offered by St. Marcus, you get a different picture. The 116 K8 schools in MPS have a 16.8% proficiency rate average, compared to St. Marcus’ is 19%.

The second graph on their report card, referred to as “Value – Added ”, depicts significant gains in reading for students who stay enrolled at St. Marcus. They go on to say that the student rate of return for St. Marcus is 91%.

This does not add up. This should mean, as St. Marcus students move to eighth grade, the schools proficiency levels should increase. But in fact the eighth grade proficiency level falls to 15%, four percentage points below the school’s average, representing a decline in attainment of proficiency.

17% of MPS eighth-graders test at proficiency. This means that by the Fall of eighth grade, MPS eighth-graders, on the average for 116 schools, are outperforming St. Marcus eighth graders.

Special Education
Previously Henry Tyson had said that St Marcus serves 6% special education students. Last night the number changed to 9%.

Tyson also presented that St Marcus has 730 students and 60 of them are special education students. Actually 60 is not 9% of 730. It is 8.2%. I hope that the math instruction at St Marcus is better than what was presented last night.

The question is: How many students with IEP’s attend St Marcus?

Regressive Teachings
On his blog, Henry Tyson states that St Marcus Lutheran School “… follows the teachings of the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Evangelical Luther Synod.(WELS)” Once again, last night, Mr. Tyson refused to answer questions from speakers on the Synod’s teachings. (See quotes below.) It is obvious that the teachings of this church are so regressive that they cannot be defended. And that it would cause embarrassment throughout the Milwaukee community if they engaged in a defense of their teachings.

They have obviously agreed to take the approach that, no defense is the best defense.

If you go to their official monthly publication, Forward in Christ, you can witness their teachings, unrestrained and unapologetic, at:


On “the Menace of Islam” “The greatest menace of Islam is the deadly threat that it poses to the eternal life of every one of its adherents.”

On Jews Going to Heaven “If your question is about unbelieving Jews (or unbelievers from any other ethnic group) or followers of Judaism who have rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Savior of mankind, then we must sadly answer that they did not and do not go to heaven.”

On Suicide “Suicide is murder; ‘and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him’(John 3:15).


On Marriage: Joining a Christian and a Non-Christian “Experience demonstrates that all too many of these marriages, almost predictably, become heartaches followed by divorce.”

On Equality of Women “In order to avoid exercising leadership over men contrary to “the order of creation,” WELS women do not vote in church meetings.”

On the Catholic Pope “We identify the Antichrist as the Papacy.”

On Evolution “It appears that American citizens don’t have the privilege of stating that the evolutionary explanation of the origin of this universe, the earth, and man is not only questionable, but also unscientific, and irrational, and just plain wrong.” The earth is only 6000 years old and “…was created with the appearance of age. On the first day everything looked older than it was.”

On Homosexuality “Scripture declares that homosexuality is a sin, which is contrary to God’s intention in creating man and woman. Sinful resistance to the revealed will of God is a factor in this sin.”

On Civil Rights “Anything goes. When the civil-rights bills were passed in the mid ’60s, their principal sponsor, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, promised in one melodramatic session that he would “physically eat” the bill he was promoting if ever anyone attempted to use his bill in order to prefer a member of one race at the expense of a member of another race. Senator Humphrey died from other causes than the food poisoning to which he’d have been subjected after the Supreme Court OK’d affirmative action.
A fortnight ago, we had the Civil Rights Restoration Act, which now extends to the federal government the right to inquire into the racial or sexual composition of a school’s basketball team if its medical school is receiving federal subsidies. And last week, Georgetown University, the oldest Jesuit College in America, capitulated on the lawsuit demanding that it make room within Georgetown for gay and lesbian student federations. Somebody, somewhere, somehow, has got to stop the civil-rights thing. It is making a joke out of one after another of our Bill of Rights.” (These comments are a reprint from Forward In Christ by William F. Buckley Jr.)

On Economic Inequality “It is egregiously impossible if you mean that the state can and should guarantee equality of education, income, or wealth. The only way that there could be equality of wealth is if the state seized all private assets and redistributed them. The only way there could be equality of income is if the state seized control of all businesses and arbitrarily set all salary levels the same, determined by some central committee. Unless you are pining to live under Stalinistic Communism, you wouldn’t favor that approach, and so I conclude that you are prepared to live with inequality of income and wealth.
But people can still envy, of course. The last presidential election season featured quite a bit of attention on Mitt Romney’s personal wealth, and that campaign was quickly followed by the “Occupy” and “99%” mini-movements that sought to arouse envy and hostility from the have-lesses against the have-mores. My personal prediction is that you ain’t seen nothing yet. The coming political season will bring back plenty of chatter about income and wealth inequality in the U.S.
Those efforts will be led by people who have given up on the belief that you can better your life by hard work, discipline, self-control, deferred gratification, and saving. They believe that everyone with wealth either stole it or cheated people to get it.” (From Pastor’s Blog, St. Marcus Pastor Mark Jeske.)


June 5, 2014

Henry Tyson and St Marcus’ Leadership Have No Shame!

Filed under: St. Marcus,Vouchers — millerlf @ 4:11 pm

Once again St Marcus leadership wants to turn their demand for public property into a circus. During their quest for the Malcolm X site they opportunistically used children from their school  by marching them to the Malcolm X site during school hours.

Mr Tyson has sent out the following call-to-action for next week’s meeting. This is now about “misrepresentations” and the “right” to attend private schools, paid for with public dollars.

Dear Friends of St. Marcus,You are making a difference. Thank you to those who attended the first Town Hall meeting this past  Monday.  St. Marcus had strong representation and moving stories that made the case for why St. Marcus seeks to establish a second campus at the former Lee School site.Alderman Stamper II appreciated hearing from St. Marcus families and residents of the 15th district. He is providing another opportunity to hear from the community.  

SECOND Town Hall Meeting
Hosted by Alderman Russell Stamper II
Topic: Potential Sale of the Lee School Property to St. Marcus WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 (6:30 pm – 7:30 pm)
Northside YMCA – Cafeteria, 1350 W. North Ave, Milwaukee 53205We need an even bigger crowd at next week’s meeting to strongly show that there is an URGENT need for St. Marcus to expand NOW.  St. Marcus is currently at capacity with hundreds of children on a waiting list. 

Bring your friends, family and colleagues.

Your firsthand experiences are the most effective way to counter those who have misimpressions of St. Marcus. Express your support for the right of all children to have access to high quality schools.

The MPS Board and the Common Council still need to vote on the sale of the site.  St. Marcus and committed supporters are working diligently to resolve outstanding issues and dissolve the barriers to educating 200 new students in K3-1st grade this fall and up to 850 students when at full capacity.

Please join us next week Wednesday!  Your Voice Matters! 

Thank you for your continued prayers.


Henry_2 Henry Tyson
Henry Tyson, Superintendent

2215 North Palmer Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212. | Tel: 414-562-3163 | Website:

First Hearing Held on the Proposed Sale of Lee Elementary School to St Marcus

Filed under: St. Marcus,Vouchers — millerlf @ 12:51 am

On June 2nd I attended the first hearing held on the proposed sale of Lee Elementary School. With only a 3 day notice, it was clearly the St Marcus show. The majority of people attending were St. Marcus parents. The format of the meeting was a presentation by St. Marcus Superintendent Henry Tyson, followed by St Marcus parent presentations. The audience was then able to make comments and ask questions.

It was clear that many parents support the education their children are receiving at St Marcus. For the majority of parents who spoke, being a “Christian centered” education is critical.

The meeting was said to be intended to focus on hearing the voices of the community living near the Lee Elementary School site. I too would like to hear those voices but it seemed they weren’t present in abundance. At the same time, whenever public education and MPS is on the line, I want to hear all voices.

There is obviously more at stake in the discussion than just the sale of the Lee building. St Marcus has been willingly complicit in diverting resources from MPS and dismantling public education in Milwaukee. They are full supporters of the voucher movement. They have allied with the MMAC and the Tea Party Republicans on voucher expansion and acquisition of MPS buildings. They propagate sectarian teachings and practice discriminatory policies while taking the public’s tax dollars.

The desire of St Marcus to purchase public property raises again the debate about vouchers and public education. Voucher schools are private schools. They are able to circumvent any number of democratic safeguards. To name a few, voucher schools are not required to:
• Educate all students
• Provide special education services
• Provide English as a Second Language or bilingual instruction
• Adhere to Wisconsin’s non-discrimination laws the prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital, or parental status
• Adhere to open meetings and records requirements
• Respect constitutional rights of due process and freedom of speech of students and staff

Students in voucher schools can be removed without an explanation or reason. Parents of special needs children have been told “we can’t provide your child the services they need.” And it is well established that students identified with behavior problems have been “counseled out”.

St Marcus uses what Henry Tyson calls “no-nonsense” disciplinary policies. For example, their tardy policy document to parents states, “Ultimately, students will be removed from the school if tardiness issues are not resolved.” Of course MPS does not expel students for tardiness.
To view the tardy policy letter that was sent to the parents of a 1st grader, go to:

St Marcus Tardy letter


Data on St Marcus

Filed under: St. Marcus,Vouchers — millerlf @ 12:34 am

Henry Tyson gave a presentation on Monday night, mainly using DPI value added data on St. Marcus, which does show improvements in student performance. I later raised questions about the DPI summative WSAS data that actually shows decline, not improvement, in reading proficiency. I stated:

The premise for this proposal is that St Marcus is a high-performing school and this will add quality seats to Milwaukee’s K-12 schooling. The data tells a different story. This school year St. Marcus WKCE reading scores show that only 19% of St. Marcus students are proficient in reading. And that is at 2% drop from the previous school year.

This means that 81% of St. Marcus students, grades three through eight, on average were not reading at proficiency in the Fall of 2013. I might understand this if the early grades showed low scores but seventh and eighth grade showed proficiency. But the opposite is true. Seventh grade shows 17% proficiency and eighth grade drops to 15% proficiency.

Does that mean that 85% of St Marcus eighth-graders are graduating without being proficient in reading?

Henry Tyson strongly defended their work with:
• WSAS (WKCE) scores were adjusted two years ago which significantly affected their scores,
• Many students enter at 6th grade, and while 7th and 8th grade results are not good enough, St Marcus shows strong value-added results for those students,
• The 19% proficiency reading average for St Marcus is above the average for schools that are “80% African American and 80% low-income, and the City would be showing significant success if all schools were at that level”.

Henry Tyson stated that the difference between reading proficiency in MPS and at St Marcus’ is significant. MPS reading proficiency for all grades, all 160 schools including high schools, is 15.5% and for all elementary schools it is 16.8% compared to 19% at St. Marcus. Reading proficiency for St. Marcus and MPS overall is almost identical despite the fact that the K-8 special needs population in MPS exceeds 20% compared to a special education population of 6% at St Marcus. Many MPS elementary schools actually have a reading proficiency level that exceeds that of St Marcus.

But I must ask, with all of the advantages that voucher schools have in their possession with selection and de-selection of students, the ability to maintain low special needs populations, access to millions of dollars in private funding, the ability to fire staff without just cause and the support of many politicians, why aren’t they showing more success?

It is also important to note the use of the terms “high performing schools” and “high performing seats.” St Marcus is regularly referred to as “high performing.” How is that possible when only 15% of their 8th graders tested proficient in the fall of 2013 (no matter what they get for value-added results)? As recently as Tuesday’s article in the Journal Sentinel, on Monday night’s meeting, St Marcus is described as “the 2nd highest performing voucher school in Milwaukee.”

The terms “high performing schools” and “high performing seats” are used as a wedge against MPS schools as part of the MMAC’s strategy to create 2 school systems. This separate and unequal system of schools is intended to provide “high quality seats” for 20,000 students leaving the remaining 80,000 Milwaukee students to lesser quality seats.

Saint Marcus Lutheran School WSAS: WKCE and WAA Combined Fall 2013
*Reading scores

#Enrolled371 Tested370 % Minimal %Basic % Proficient % Advanced CombinedProficient and Advanced
   3     81  36%   47%   15%   2%   17%
   4     85   46%   35%  16%   1%   17%
   5    56   27%   48%  21%   4%   25%
   6     50   38%   40%    22%   0%    22%
   7    52   25%   58%   15%   2%   17%
   8     47   23%   62%   15%   0%   15%
Average   34%  47%   17%   2%   19%

Numbers from DPI website at (pdf page 164):

Click to access Fall%202013%20WSAS%20MPCP%20Results.pdf

June 3, 2014

The Next Hearing on the Sale of Lee Elementary School is Wednesday June 11

Filed under: St. Marcus — millerlf @ 7:56 am

I listened to the Journal Sentinel. Sorry. They were wrong about the scheduled hearings called by Alder-person Russell Stamper ll. The next hearing will be :


 Wednesday June 11th


1350 W. North Avenue

6:30 PM


May 31, 2014

The Truth About St. Marcus (WELS)

Filed under: St. Marcus,Vouchers — millerlf @ 3:24 pm

St. Marcus Lutheran School, located on Milwaukee’s near north side, is once again seeking to buy property from Milwaukee Public Schools. The site is located at 921 W. Meinecke, the site of Lee Elementary school.

Last year, the St. Marcus leadership had elementary school children pounding on the building doors of the Malcolm X site, yelling “let us in.” The St. Marcus leadership and public school privatization supporters claim they have a right to public properties.

St. Marcus Lutheran School is seldom talked about by its superintendent, Henry Tyson, without the descriptor “high performing school.” But the data shows a different picture. This year’s reading results (school year 2013-2014) showed only 19% of St. Marcus students proficient in reading, a 2% decline from the previous year.

This is a school that serves less that 6% special education students with no public oversight while claiming to be a pillar of success.

St. Marcus’ marketing and political strategies are well funded to gain market share. But the heart of the debate that surrounds them continues to be the funding of private, sectarian schools with public money; vouchers.

St Marcus Lutheran School Superintendent said last year on his blog that “St Marcus is unapologetically Christian and follows the teachings of the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Evangelical Luther Synod.”

If you go to their official monthly publication, Forward in Christ, you can witness their teachings, unrestrained and unapologetic:

On Equality of Women “In order to avoid exercising leadership over men contrary to “the order of creation,” WELS women do not vote in church meetings.”

On the Catholic Pope “We identify the Antichrist as the Papacy.”

On Evolution “It appears that American citizens don’t have the privilege of stating that the evolutionary explanation of the origin of this universe, the earth, and man is not only questionable, but also unscientific, and irrational, and just plain wrong.” The earth is only 6000 years old and “…was created with the appearance of age. On the first day everything looked older than it was.”

On Homosexuality “Scripture declares that homosexuality is a sin, which is contrary to God’s intention in creating man and woman. Sinful resistance to the revealed will of God is a factor in this sin.”

On Civil Rights “Anything goes. When the civil-rights bills were passed in the mid ’60s, their principal sponsor, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, promised in one melodramatic session that he would “physically eat” the bill he was promoting if ever anyone attempted to use his bill in order to prefer a member of one race at the expense of a member of another race. Senator Humphrey died from other causes than the food poisoning to which he’d have been subjected after the Supreme Court OK’d affirmative action.

A fortnight ago, we had the Civil Rights Restoration Act, which now extends to the federal government the right to inquire into the racial or sexual composition of a school’s basketball team if its medical school is receiving federal subsidies. And last week, Georgetown University, the oldest Jesuit College in America, capitulated on the lawsuit demanding that it make room within Georgetown for gay and lesbian student federations. Somebody, somewhere, somehow, has got to stop the civil-rights thing. It is making a joke out of one after another of our Bill of Rights.” (These comments are a reprint in Forward In Christ from William F. Buckley Jr.)

On Economic Inequality “It is egregiously impossible if you mean that the state can and should guarantee equality of education, income, or wealth. The only way that there could be equality of wealth is if the state seized all private assets and redistributed them. The only way there could be equality of income is if the state seized control of all businesses and arbitrarily set all salary levels the same, determined by some central committee. Unless you are pining to live under Stalinistic Communism, you wouldn’t favor that approach, and so I conclude that you are prepared to live with inequality of income and wealth.
But people can still envy, of course. The last presidential election season featured quite a bit of attention on Mitt Romney’s personal wealth, and that campaign was quickly followed by the “Occupy” and “99%” mini-movements that sought to arouse envy and hostility from the have-lesses against the have-mores. My personal prediction is that you ain’t seen nothing yet. The coming political season will bring back plenty of chatter about income and wealth inequality in the U.S.
Those efforts will be led by people who have given up on the belief that you can better your life by hard work, discipline, self-control, deferred gratification, and saving. They believe that everyone with wealth either stole it or cheated people to get it.” (From Pastor’s Blog, St. Marcus Pastor Mark Jeske.)

St. Marcus and the Wisconsin Evangelical Luther Synod can think and profess whatever they wish. And parents have the right to submit their children to this illiberality. But I oppose any of my tax dollars contributing to their imperious sectarianism and ignorance.

Defend Public Education!


October 17, 2013

St. Marcus Lutheran School: High Performing or PR Hustle?

Filed under: St. Marcus — millerlf @ 10:21 pm

Saint Marcus: Does 21% Reading Proficiency Constitute a High Performing School?

The leaders of Saint Marcus Lutheran School have done a great PR job convincing Republicans in Madison that they are a “high performing” school. At a recent State Assembly hearing, Superintendent Henry Tyson,  bragged about the school’s results using their WKCE scores as the example.

            Below are their reading scores from WKCE testing last Fall. Does 21% average reading proficiency for six grades constitute a “high performing” school?  Many MPS elementary schools outperform St. Marcus on the WKCE reading proficiency test.

Saint Marcus Lutheran School

WSAS: WKCE and WAA Combined Fall 2012





#Required to Test

% Minimal



% Proficient

% Advanced


Proficient and Advanced

























































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